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Portal da UFC Acesso a informação da UFC Ouvidoria Conteúdo disponível em:Português
Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Grupo de Atenção Integral e Pesquisa em Acupuntura e Medicina Tradicional Chinesa – GAIPA UFC

Área do conteúdo


Revisão Narrativa

Revisão Sistemática / Metanálise

São estudos que analisam e/ou sintetizam a literatura a partir da definição de um problema, intervenção, comparação, desfecho e tempo de interesse.


Network meta-analysis



  • The discrepancies between these two guidelines are likely a result of different methodological approaches, including different search strategies and quality assessment of the identified evidence. (PMID: 34404258).
  • This work is structured in accordance with the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome (PICO) framework. (PMID: 34404258).
  • The multidisciplinary working group included members appointed by professional organizations and scientific societies who provided input and guidance throughout the process. The individuals involved. (PMID: 34404258).
  • The final product was peer-reviewed by two external reviewers and in a public hearing. Potential conflicts of interests from any of the individuals involved were declared and made publicly available. (PMID: 34404258).
  • PICO questions were formulated to investigate the effect of five specific, widely used nonpharmacological interventions for patients diagnosed with migraine. (PMID: 34404258).
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